We believe in Great Health

At Thor’s Spores, we believe that Nature has the answers to many of the questions we have in the modern world. The beauty and vibrancy of mushrooms, the magic of producing food from all-natural agricultural material that would otherwise go to waste, inspires us to look deeper into new solutions, a new frontier in making our world a healthier place.
Growing mushrooms is a humbling experience. From carefully selected, protected and nurtured cultures that are then expanded and multiplied on grains to provide a vibrant grain spawn, and on to providing the colony with a rich food source from which it can fruit magnificent mushrooms, one can appreciate the strength and versatility in fungi.
Our primary focus at Thor’s Spores is providing you, our customer, with the best-quality mushrooms that money can buy, no compromise. We believe that the people deserve the very best food, untouched by human hands, full of health-promoting compounds, and absolutely delicious.

Ready to eat some of the finest mushrooms in New Zealand?